One Hundred & Forty Characters

All about the One Forty and the big show in November

Character Of The Day: @alicesykes

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“I am married to Chris so my relationship with the 140 Characters Project is a little different to everyone elses’.

Usually I don’t get a look in.  I get to hear about it after.  The Paul McCartney moment, the girl who decided it would be a better portrait if she removed all her clothes, the man diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease running around a field in the middle of winter (naked again ), the trips to Taiwan, etc etc.   So when the 140 Characters Twitter Project was born I wanted to be part of it.  I wanted to be involved in this thing that was so consuming him. I wanted to see what it was that was pulling him out of his morose nihilism and into some kind of happy(ish) state of mind.

I have lots of amazing photos of our kids (and some of me too) that Chris has taken. I would never have had them if he wasn’t a photographer. I cherish them and know that its only because of his profession that these moments were captured, but my twitter portrait feels like it’s mine because I asked to do it. I like it.  It’s not super feminine but I think I look quite cool and I just like being part of this thing that has morphed into such an interesting project.

Who knows?   One day in 100 years time it might be something people really reference as a fantastic idea and that wouldn’t be a surprise to me, because it is.”

Written by Chris Floyd

September 28, 2011 at 7:08 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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  1. You look fantastic Alice.

    gdorean (@gdorean)

    October 1, 2011 at 10:19 pm

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